Monday, January 29, 2007

Welcome to your Cyber-Comp blog!

You can use this blog as a journal where you can record your thoughts about this course, about college life, or anything in general. You will also use this blog for specific assignments that I will give you.

Your first blog assignment: What was your experience writing your in-class personal narrative, as opposed to creating an online persona on MySpace? What does it mean to be/have a virtual entity? What does it mean to be part of a global community?


saif said...

writing about myself in the class is some thing which is between my professor and me but creating a account on my
is entirely different you have to be very carefull as your account is access to every body and you have to put every thing which adds to your charecter.And apart from every thing to creat an account you only takes couple of minutes while writing about yourself you take an hour.
By virtual entity it means that you are only one of your type and no other being will be of your type whether it is in behaviour,charecter,or taste.
And by global community it means that you are interlinked to all the account holder of this site.
And they can see your account your uploaded photos and send you messages and attached files.
so, that means you are representing
yourself to the whole world about yourself.

adam p said...

There are many differences between writing about yourself freely, and about doing it on the computer. When writing about yourself on the computer on sites such as MySpace and facebook there are specific questions about yourself you are asked, and certain things you are prompted to say. True, you can add some of your own personality, but it’s harder to interpret it then reading someone’s writing. Penmanship and the way people write can tell you about a person. You also learn about a person when it is not so structured, because more of their personality is interjected into the paper.
People may take online personas a bit far. People become obsessed with them, mistaking it for real life. It may be fun to participate in websites like MySpace and facebook, but it has to be realized that it is not real life. Being part of a global community may make people feel that they are part of something bigger. That is ok, but I feel it has to be taken with a grain of salt, and people should have the right state of mind when setting up online avatars.

Zhen Li said...
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Zhen Li said...

Actually,I don't like write some somthing with limited time especially the personal narrative because that make me nervous like I am taking an exam,I like do that on my blog.Post comments on this blog make me feel equal between professor and students because all of us have chance to write our opinions.
Sometimes we should have a persona on the website or blog to protect ourselves because most of people we meet on line are strangers,we never meet them so we can not get any idea to judge they are good or bad in a very short time so the virtual entity seems necessary sometimes but I am really against to fake a life or cheat others online.Even though we wear a persona, we can communicate with others or help them no matter where they are or who they are,I think that's the global community.