Sunday, February 25, 2007

IM conversation..

Janice says:
how r u? - How are you?
Amy says:
im good - I'm good.
Amy says:
what bout u - What about you?
Janice says:
Janice says:
do you play sudoku?
Amy says:
no not really
Janice says:
ic~ its Hit in the US right now -I see it's a hit (said with enthusiasm/excitment) in the United States right now.
Janice says:
ah~is HEAT
Janice says:
Amy says:
yea i knoe - Yes, I know.
Janice says:
so~what do you usually do at home?
Amy says:
watch some
Amy says:
stuff like that..
Janice says:
ic - I see.
Amy says:
: ) - Amy smiles
Janice says:
:) - Janice smiles
Amy says:
so what bout u? - So, what about you?
Amy says:
what do u usually do @ home? - What do you usually do at home?
Janice says:
doing hw, doing babysitting, taking gd care of my sibling - Doing homework, doing babysitting, taking good care of my sibling
Janice says:
i nearly don't hv enough time to do my work - I nearly don't have enough time to do my work
Amy says:
hm..glad my sis and bro are grown up..hehe - Yes ( head nodding) glad that my sister and brother are grown up. (short chuckle out loud)
Janice says:
I always hope that they would grow up fast in one night
Amy says:
=D - Amy smiles
Janice says:
how many courses do you have?
Amy says:
this semes. 4 - This semsester I have 4 courses.
Janice says:
so, you don't hv class on Fri. right? - So, you don't have class on Friday?
Amy says:
Janice says:
ic - I see.
Amy says:
u? - You?
Janice says:
i hv 5 courses - I have 5 courses.
Janice says:
but i put all the classes on Mon. to Thu. only,
Janice says:
so I can have a whole day off on Fri
Amy says:
yea fri off is the best.. hehe (short chuckle out loud)
Janice says:
i thInk so
Amy says:
so whatcha gonna do tom.? - So, what are you going to do tomorrow?
Janice says:
ah...i propably will just stay home and finish up my homework, - ah (sighs)
Janice says:
cuz i got a lot of assignment to do -Because I got a lot of assignments to do.
Amy says:
Janice says:
how about u? - How about you?
Amy says:
im gonna g2 church - I'm going to go to church.
Amy says:
it takes up most of my sun.
Janice says:
oh~ic~ is it a CHINESE church, koeran Church or... - oh (pause) I see (pause) is it a chinese (said with empahsis), korean church or ...
Amy says:
chinese..well cuz im chinese..hehe - Chinese (pause) well because I'm chinese (short chuckle)
Amy says:
well its open to anybody
Janice says:
i know~
Janice says:
because I have a fd who is cHInese, he go to a Koeran church in NJ - Because I have a friend who is (emphasis on) chinese, he go to a Korean chuch in New Jersey.
Janice says:
but he is live in Brooklyn
Amy says: he from nj?
Janice says:
no~ He is also come fr Hong Kong - No (pause) he is also from Hong Kong.
Janice says:
but he live in Brooklyn, and he drives to the church every Sunday
Amy says:
thats cool..
Janice says:
i THink that's too far...
Amy says:
just a tad bit..
Janice says:
it may take 1 hour fr. His home to NJ
Amy says:
=) - Amy smiles
Janice says:
; ) - Janice winks
Janice says:
it's already 12:15
Amy says:
its late..
Janice says:
yea~it is time for me to sleep....
Janice says:
so ~ see you on Monday.
Amy says:
me 2.. - Me too.
Amy says:
k.. cu on mon. - Okay see you on Monday.

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