Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Top 5 toys

1- power rangers
2- ninja turtles
3- kinnex
4- nintendo (mario duck hunting gun)
5- playstation

These are pretty much the top 5 toys from my childhood. Even though i played many sports, i never really owned anything such as a football or a basketball. I was in love with the power rangers. I had every single toy that was out there. Same with the ninja turtles. I got into nintendo when i was around 9 or 10. I loved mario duck hunt, i attached a little pole to the gun to make it look like a rifle. It was really fun. Kinnex was for me when i was about 12 along with playstation. I loved playing with kinnex. It was like an advanced version of legos in my mind. I remember i built a huge thing with my friend in his house. It took up the whole living room. As for playstation, the greatest toy ever made, it was unbelievable when it came out. I still play it to this day. I dont think i will ever stop because it relaxes me. I think playstation is the only thing that has affected me. Not as a person, but as a student. I would play it too much and not do any homework.

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