Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Stereotypes about Negroes

I'll try to do write negative and "positive" stereotypes. Maybe 5-5?

01. We're dirty (dirtier than Italians or Russians?)
02. We're criminal (thieves, rapists, drug dealers, etc.)
03. We're oversexed (because only black guys like to have sex)
04. We've got the biggest penises/vaginas/asses (this is true)
05. We're stupid (not genetically)
06. We all live the ghettoes (mostly true, but it's because of white people)
07. We're all on welfare* (see note below)
08. We're the best dancers (its true)
09. We all speak ebonics; we're all "down" with Hip-Hop culture (most do)
10. We're violent/aggressive (yep)
*Yeah special note on the welfare. African-Americans worked their asses off for decades and didn't get a damn cent for it. So what's wrong with taking a little break and having Uncle Sam give us a little dough? Remember, African-Americans never got any reparations!

West Indians (Trinidad/Jamaican):
01. We're workaholics (yes, it's cultural)
02. We're ethnocentric (who isn't?)
03. We climb trees (yes, this is true)
04. We hate America, even though we come here to work
05. We're all religious
06. We're thieves (we steal mangos?)
07. We all live on the beach (stupid advertisements for the Caribbean)
08. The women are sexy (some)
09. We all smoke marijuana (jamaicans)
10. We all live happy lives (some do, some don't)

Black Men (I don't know if you're looking for "men" in general or particularly black men. I'll just assume black men, since it's more specific)
01. We're all gangsters
02. We've got guns, knives, and what-have-you
03. We love white women (by the way, we don't)
04. We only like girls with big asses (which is why stereotype #3 is false)
05. We're womanizers
06. We're tall, mostly 6' or taller
07. We're all muscular and built, with HUGE penises
08. We are more masculine than white guys and asian guys put together
09. We are negligent fathers
10. We are extremely dangerous, and if you don't watch it we'll rape your women and children.

Heterosexuals (this is a tough one!)
01. Dominant
02. Aggressive
03. Masturbators
04. Interested in younger women
05. Sexist?
06. Homophobic
07. etc.
08. etc.
09. etc.
10. etc.

The heterosexual thing is a real tough one, and I honestly can't think of any more stereotypes. I really can't think of any differences between heterosexuals and homosexuals. I mean when it comes to the men, gay men tend to be more passive or effeminate? I don't know..meh.

I don't know if anyone is going to read this, but as much as we all thing that stereotyping is horrible, we all do it and subconciously we sincerely believe some of these stereotypes. In my humble opinion, it's impossible to live in America or adapt American culture without adapting the racist principles. The country was pretty much founded on racist ideologies.

Quick stuff: My ex-best friend was an asian girl and everyday she'd talk about how she hated "spics" and they should go back to their country and all that blah blah blah. And then I know this other asian kid who's calling black kids 'nigger' and all that crap. Like where the hell do they learn these things? Do they use 'spic' and nigger in China? (not rhetorical). One time I asked this Korean kid what he thought about blacks, and he said he didn't like them because "they can't even speak the language." And then it hit me. WOW. This kid has been really been indoctrinated. I mean "they can't speak the language" is the #1 complaint against non-English speaking immigrants, and here you have a Korean parroting a white-constructed stereotype. THAT scared the shit out of me. (All racial epithets like chink, gook, nigger, spic, etc. were invented by Whites)

Yeah and one time in american racism class, this japanese girl (straight from osaka, international student) admitted that she was afraid of blacks, even though she had never seen one in Japan. So one day I saw her in the evening, and I asked her if she would be afraid if she were walking alone at night and a black guy was behind her, and she said yes. I asked her what if it was a white guy? And she said she would not be afraid. She said she's just afraid of blacks because of what she sees on [american] television. So I guess this goes back to what Kruger was talking about with the media propagating racism, sexism, etc.

Oh yeah and one time we made this T-chart, and we had stereotypes of whites vs. stereotypes of blacks, and yeah it was pretty clear that whites get all the good stereotypes. On the chart, whites got: handsome, clean, law-abiding, diligent, innocent, wealthy, orderly, modern, rational, and intelligent, to name a few, while black got: ugly, dirty, lazy, smelly, criminal, irrational, disorderly, stupid, etc. So yeah, crazy stuff, even if it's irrelevant.

What really amazes me is like conflicts among different ethnic groups, or kinda like non-whites who hate non-whites. Like you have a lot of, say for example, asians who just hate blacks or arabs or whatever, but they LOVE white people. Why? I don't know. I mean white people go to Asia and exploit all the people, but they still prefer white over black. Why this is, I don't know. I'm not saying every white is evil and every black is good, but it would seem that asians would have more of a reason to hate the whites. But the "asian girl 4 white man" thing is becoming VERY common. Why? I have no idea. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, but I'm just sayin I really wanna know why that is that so many asian women are attracted to white guys. But this has nothing to do with stereotypes...

Anyway, that's my daily digression. Plenty more to say, but you might not really care. If I feel how I feel now then I won't be in class tomorrow.


P.S. I'm sick.

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