Race: (Hispanic)
-Have lots of children * Plan to have one maximum two
-Cant speak English * I believe I speak it well
-Are lazy * Not as much
-Like beans * Sometimes
-Party a lot * Everytime I can
-Are loud * Not at all
-Get welfare * No
-Are cheap * No
-Are minorities * I am, in this country.
-Immigrants * Yeah
Ethnicity: (Colombian)
-Could dance well * Average
-Good humor * Yes
-Love the good life * Who doesn't?
-Fashion lovers * A little
-Drug exporters * Not at all
-Play soccer * Used to play
-Have a Spanish accent * I can't notice it
-Conceited * No
-Look younger * Maybe
-Well spoken * I try to
Gender: (Male)
-Like sports * Not really
-Works out * Sometimes
-Don’t shave * No
-Careless for dirt * No
-Messy * No
-Lazy * No
-Dumb * No
-Head of household * Might be
-No feelings * No
-Have initiative * Yeah
Sexuality: (Heterosexual)
-Must experiment with lots of women * No
-The more masculine the better * Normal
-Should have children * Yes
-Are afraid of other sexual preferences * No
-Should not care for looks * No
-Be attractive until marriage * No
-Have to have a job * Yeah
-Be independent * Yeah
-Get married at a mature age * Maybe
-Make your couple happy * Definitely
You know you’re a Latino when you don’t have turkey in Thanksgiving Day.
You know you’re a Latino when your family gets drunk in December 31st.
You know you’re a Latino when your entire family meets for fieldtrip.
You know you’re a Latino when you celebrate Christmas December 24th.
You know you’re a Latino when rice is always in your plate.
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