Thursday, May 3, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
***Citations*** [tentative]
01) New York: A Documentary Film. Ric Burns. DVD. PBS Paramount, September 28, 2004.
02) Robbins, Michael W.. Brooklyn: A State of Mind. New York: Workman Publishing Company, 2001.
03) Allbray, Nedda C.. The Heart of Brooklyn. Charleston: Arcadia, 2004.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Queens Library.Community History. 23 April, 2007.
David Hartman.Barry Lewis.A Walk Through Queens.2004.23 April,2007
Queens Library. Community Information. 23 Apr. 2007 <>.
Woodside. Web Hosting by Netfirms. 24 Apr. 2007 <>.
1) Schaap, Jeremy. "IF YOU'RE THINKING OF LIVING IN: Marine Park." New York Times Aug 7 1988: A.6. Stewart, Barbara. "Wetland Beauty Restored, just Off Flatbush Avenue." New York Times Aug 24 2000: B.1
1. Shaman, Diana. "If You’re Thinking of Living in Jamaica Estates, Queens; An Enclave That Treasures Its Trees" New York Times. September 21, 1997. Accessed April 27, 2007
2. Lovely, Thomas J. The History of the Jamaica Estates. Jamaica: Jamaica Estates Association Inc., 1969.
3. "Neighborhood History." Our Jamaica Estates. 24 Apr. 2007
“Astoria Park.” NYC. Mar 26. 2001
“Community and library history.” Queens library.
citation information
Sanjek, Roger. THE PEOPLE OF QUEENS FROM NOW TO THEN. Proc. on 350 Years of Life In Queens Conf.; 16 April. 1988, Queens College CUNY. Flushing, New York
Waller, Henry D. HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF FLUSHING: 1899. Harrison, New York: Harnor Hill Books, 1975
2000 CENSUS.("Long form"). Chart. 2000. 23 April 2007
1990 CENSUS. Chart. 1990. 23 April 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
My street

This is a picture of the other side of the street that I live on. The whole street are townhouses that house two families in one building. It think that the street I live on is quiet. There are different ethnic groups of people that live on my street there are a lot of Asian families and White families. The street I live on also has a large age range, there are families with young children and some are senior citizens. Where I live is also close to Queens College so there are students who park around the neighborhood on weekdays.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Fresh Meadows

Monday, April 16, 2007

My [neighbor]HOOD
Sunday, April 15, 2007
my neighborhood
My neighbourhood.
My Neighborhood

My neighborhood..
This is a picture of my neighborhood. As you can see, there are houses literally attached to eachother with a car in almost every driveway. My neighborhood is very urban. I only know a few people on my block. The neighborhood that I live in is Sheepshead Bay. It is extremely diverse. Everyone who lives on my block is pretty much middle class since there are only houses on my block. There are a numerous amount of parking spots on the street since there is a shopping strip a few blocks down.
my neighborhood
can walk to the rail road station when I want to go to the City. Because of the accessibility of the rail road, there are always many car parked in front of my house on weekdays. This neightborhood is pretty and I love it.
my neighborhood

this is the parking lot that is across the street from my house, this is the view from my living room window. The parking lot is there because i live in a commercial area on kings highway, so people are always shopping so they need somewhere to park. My neighborhood isn't close at all. In some other neighborhoods, everyone knows everyone else. In mine, you're lucky if you speak the same language as the person next to you.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
toys from childhood
01. Incredible Hulk
02. Some silver guy
03. A convertible spider
04. An Alaskan husky with blue eyes
05. Larry, my big teddy-bear
I don't think toys have influenced me in any way. I don't recall ever aspiring to be like the Incredible Hulk or the spider-thingy that transforms. If it means anything, I used to beat the living shit out of my teddy bears and do cruel things like hang them or throw them down the stairs or slam their heads into the door while shouting, "Kill the beast." I'd like to say that abusing my teddy bears during my early childhood has caused me to be more violent in my adult years, but it has not; I've never gotten into a fight.
P.S. I lied: I used to want to be an Alaskan Husky.
Top 5 toys
2- ninja turtles
3- kinnex
4- nintendo (mario duck hunting gun)
5- playstation
These are pretty much the top 5 toys from my childhood. Even though i played many sports, i never really owned anything such as a football or a basketball. I was in love with the power rangers. I had every single toy that was out there. Same with the ninja turtles. I got into nintendo when i was around 9 or 10. I loved mario duck hunt, i attached a little pole to the gun to make it look like a rifle. It was really fun. Kinnex was for me when i was about 12 along with playstation. I loved playing with kinnex. It was like an advanced version of legos in my mind. I remember i built a huge thing with my friend in his house. It took up the whole living room. As for playstation, the greatest toy ever made, it was unbelievable when it came out. I still play it to this day. I dont think i will ever stop because it relaxes me. I think playstation is the only thing that has affected me. Not as a person, but as a student. I would play it too much and not do any homework.
My Top 5 childhood toys
2-barbie playhouse
5- life-like baby doll
I guess I'm really girly. I had all the barbies that you can possibly imagine. I had the untouchables ones which were the ones that were kept inside their case and I wouldn't play with them, they were collections. Then, I had the barbies I would play with 24/7. I had the barbie playhouse which I treasured. I always loved puzzles till this day. The baby doll I would carry all over the place. It would cry and act like a real baby and I would take care of it as if it really was.
My favorite toys.
2-Power Rangers
3-Ninja Turtles
4-Hot Wheels
5-Super Nintendo
Most of these toys you don’t even see around anymore, that made me realize how old I was. I remember loving LEGO. I would stay up all night after Christmas constructing enormous buildings or creatures. Once I lost a friend because it took me about a week to construct a huge dinosaur out of LEGO and he was stupid enough to knock it over and break it into its original pieces. The power rangers used to be on every day of the week so I had all of the toys, including their accessories. It was some sort of fever that made me want anything that had to deal with these rangers. The ninja turtles were cool because they were weird creatures that did something good for humanity. Hot wheels were speedy, something unusual with other toys. And of course the Nintendo, this revolutionized all toys. Some of these toys were influences in me because they let my imagination set free for a while. Once I even wanted to change my name to one of the characters in the power rangers. The others were mostly entertaining. I suppose that none of these action figures or toys influenced me later, except for the LEGO which I still enjoy but don’t play anymore. I’m sure toys influence your mind in a way or other but it is really hard to tell what it has done in you. All I know is that I would have regretted my decision if my mother accepted the new name I proposed in those days.
Childhood Toys
Hula Hoop- I mostly played with my sister or any of my girl friends, generally not with boys. I guess only girls are meant to move their bodies like that
Pogs- I had shiny girly ones and really cool slammers. I remember being very into the whole thing, very competative but i always lost :( so i had to stop playing for keeps.. ( i dont think that had any kind of influence, but maybe who knows..)
Playing house- i know thats not a toy but i always wanted to be the mom. i stil dream of being a perfect mom
Go Go my walking pup- It was a ltl white puppy attached to a pink leash that walked when i pressed the on button. I think its a girl thing to want a ltl white dog, guys think theyre immasculating
Sunday, April 8, 2007
My childhood toys
My childhood toys.
I love to play bat ball. Ever since I was in kindergarden days I use to play it. In India everybody is mad about cricket.Boys living in country side to metro cities every body plays it.
I have already made cricket team here in U.S also.
2. Speed cars.
I love speed.I always drive my bike or car at more than 100km/hr. Blame it to males hormone.That inculcate the habbit to compete with others in practical world.
3. Flying kites
Flying kite is a symbol of freedom as there is you with you kite and sky is the limit and moreover children of my age group use to fly kite and it is the question of great pride to cut their kite from cord.
4. Foot ball.
In my school I have great fun playing football and we have played and win various inter school and state level matches. By foot ball I generated the habbit of team sprit and working in group.
5. Flying toy helicopter
It was great fun to fly that with remote in my hand and again it shows my freedom loving sprit. And to grow higher and higher in this compititive world.
2. doll house
3. tea set
4. polly pockets
5. jump rope
I guess the barbie influenced me to think that slim, skiny, sexy is good and that girls should look like that. The doll house made me think i wanted 2 grow up and have a nice house just like that with a nice family. The tea set made me think that this was what ladies did....sip tea and chat. The polly pockets made me think of fashion because event though they're miniature dolls they have like 10 different little dresses that you can change them into.The jump rope was just fun.
Top 5 toys
Mostly aimed at boys to teach them to be masculine and agressive, also there were always half naked women. I'm not sure if little girls like that or not, but it was there.
2- Baseball
Ever since I was four years old I've been playing baseball. When you are really young they let girls be on the teams too, but I think there were one or two topps on my team my whole life.
3- Basketball
As soon as I was able to go to the park by myself I was going to play basketball. Again it was mostly guys, older guys, but there were some girls.
4- Nintendo
Games like Megaman and Super Mario Bros. were my favorite and they were all male characters that could do super things and were going on dangerous missions.
5- Pogs
I dont remember much about these stupid things, but I know I had a whole bunch of them and it got extremely competitive.
Top 5 toys
Mostly aimed at boys to teach them to be masculine and agressive, also there were always half naked women. I'm not sure if little girls like that or not, but it was there.
2- Baseball
Ever since I was four years old I've been playing baseball. When you are really young they let girls be on the teams too, but I think there were one or two topps on my team my whole life.
3- Basketball
As soon as I was able to go to the park by myself I was going to play basketball. Again it was mostly guys, older guys, but there were some girls.
4- Nintendo
Games like Megaman and Super Mario Bros. were my favorite and they were all male characters that could do super things and were going on dangerous missions.
5- Pogs
I dont remember much about these stupid things, but I know I had a whole bunch of them and it got extremely competitive.
Top 5 Childhood Toys
3. Jigsaw Puzzle
4. Balls
5. Dolls
When I was young, I alsways ask my parents to buy Barbie for me, and this is the toy that I loved to play at that time. As I was grow up with my brothers, my brothers love to play LEGO very much, especially my older brother, he has a bunch of LEGO in his room now. Besides, I always play balls with my brother.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Top 5 Childhood Toys
2. Stuff toys/Hello Kitty&Garfield
3. Toy bricks
4. Plastic cookers
5. A small rabbit(animal)
I kept most of my toys that I played when I was a little girl till now, when I hold them in my hand I can touch the feeling at that time. All of the images would come to my mind: A little gile with the pink skirt was sitting there with the kitchen tools arounded, her family members were Hello Kitty and other stuff toys. In Chinese culture, girls should be quiet and polite and be good at take care of others, so that influanced me and I almost practiced that when I was young. And my little rabbit, that's also a representation of a female, because it's quiet and gentle.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Top 5 Childhood Toys
- Barbie/playing dolls
- Stuffed animals i.e. Barney
- Power Ranger (the female rangers)
- Plastic tea sets/ cooking toys
- Tamagotchi (virtual pet)
Thursday, April 5, 2007
5 childhood toys
2. Power rangers- One of the best shows, I used to have the transformer action figures. Very cool toys, but not always so easy to figure out. Similar to the ninja turtles, the power rangers were strong, fearless, warriors. Although there were woman in the group, they were the “weak links”- always getting the group in trouble (usually the pink one- hot stuff) One might gather from this that, similar to the ninja turtles, guys (and girls) should be fearless warriors, fighting for what you believe in no matter the consequences.
3. Gameboy/nintendo- No specific games, most are harmless like tetris and the like, but some sports games and racing games are more intended for the male audience, having them believe they must be great at sports, and drive fast to be a “good” guy.
4. Baseball cards- mainly aimed at males, one might think that you have to play like these people, and that your ultimate goal should be to make it to the MLB or NBA. (and if your not that good, then just give up.)
5. Monopoly- Taught me competitiveness, and also money managing skills. Not really much of a difference between boys and girls here, but just that edge to win, and be good at things. Nobody cares about second place in that game, it’s all about being the best.
The media has to generalize, and market to different target groups. The media induces certain stereotypes on these groups, although the stereotypes may not accurately reflect those groups it portrays.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Chris Rock on Racism
My Late Thesis
Monday, March 26, 2007
my essay title statement.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
my thesis statment
oops the thesis
Mass media and stereotypes play a major role in forming an “individual” identity for people within today's culture of impressionable citizenry.
my thesis
Almost forgot...My thesis
u know .. when..
You know you are Colombian when a woman wears low cut waist jeans and tight cloths. And most of the time you can see her g-string
You know you are Colombian when a woman when their want their men to pay all her bills rent and everything
Love to shop
Cannot drive
Talk with friends or on the phone all the time
Colombian womens
Drog dealers
Fake body
Particulary clothing
Party all the time
Youn mothers
Stereotypes influence everyone’s lives through mass media, society, and your upbringing.
you know your... when..
2- you know your rich when you have a sidekick and phone on the side
3- you know your italian when you talk with your hands
4- you know your jewish when your friends call you cheap
5- you know your american if burger king, mcdonalds, taco bell, kfc, and all other fast food places are in your diet
I know I am a Chinese, I...
2. I was pushed to learn piano when I was a little girl.
3. I am supported by my parents even though I am a college student now.
4. I speak Chinese at home.
5. I drink green tea instead of coffee.
You know youre ...
5- You know you're White when watching BET makes you wonder why there is no WET
you know youre...when...
2. you know youre jewish if you can only eat kosher
3. yoiu know youre an american girl if youre obsessed with how you look
4 you know youre an american girl if you think your fat (even when you most certainly arent)
5. you know youre jewish if you have a bigger nose than pinoccio
You know you are _ when you _.
2. You know you are Latino when people constantly ask you "So, did you run or swim to get here?"
3. You know you are Puerto Rican when you are always accused to stealing.
4. You know you are Roman Catholic when you support an institution who insisted on murdering those who would not convert to their ways.
5. You know you are Colombian when people ask you if you are selling "the good stuff".
Saturday, March 24, 2007
I know I am Chinese if I......
2. Writing and speaking Chinese
3. Parents always think their children are still a child even though you are 30 years old.
4. Using chopsticks to eat.
5. Going to the Chinese restraurant with your family to "drink tea" and eating "dim sum" every Sunday moring.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
1) passionate
5)drop outs
6)gang members
7)have a lot of kids
8)speak spanglish
9)everyone is mexican
10)everyone is illegal
Out of all these the only ones that I agree that goes with me is the passionate and the spanglish one. All the other ones are just stupid stereotypes.
2)smoke cocaine all the time
3)coffee capital
4)girls and guys are very conceited
5)colombians live in warfare all the time
6)have a strong accent
7)love soccer
9)great dancers
10)close with the family
I have a strong Colombian accent,.I'm a good dancer and I am close with my family.
6)loves shopping
7)talk a lot
8)diet all the time
9)can't drive
10)dumber than men
I'm motherly,caring, love shopping,talk a lot and a bit girly.
2)wants to get married in a church
3)attracted to other sex
I"don't know what else to say.
wasnt the object of this assignment to point out stupid stereotypes of yourself and others who share similar backgrounds, race, ect.. not to proclaim that the whiteman is the devil bullshit.. fuck that shit im not gonna read how white people owe everything thing to everyone.. as if everywhite person is racist and wants to bring every1 else down to show their massive white power
1. short and skinny
2. orthodox and traditional
3. conservative
4. cultural
5. very laborious
6. intellegent
7. from the third world
8. very political
9. competative
10. hopitable
Religion: Islam
1. terrorists
2. oppressing womens
3 conservative
4.very religious
5.against modernsiam
7.very aggressive
9.very political
10.fatwa, koran,Prophet,mosque,Kaaba etc
NOTE: These all points are according to the picture shown by western media.
Sexuality: hetrosexual
-self identity
-proud of his sex
- working according
-attracted towards opposite sex
-self steem
Gender: Male
-born tough
-sports loving
-hard working
-straight forward.
1. short and skinny
2. orthodox and traditional
3. conservative
4. cultural
5. very laborious
6. intellegent
7. from the third world
8. very political
9. competative
10. hopitable
Religion: Islam
1. terrorists
2. oppressing womens
3 conservative
4.very religious
5.against modernsiam
7.very aggressive
9.very political
10.fatwa, koran,Prophet,mosque,Kaaba etc
NOTE: These all points are according to the picture shown by western media.
Sexuality: hetrosexual
-self identity
-proud of his sex
- working according
-attracted towards opposite sex
-self steem
Gender: Male
-born tough
-sports loving
-hard working
-straight forward.
1. You have more cousins than you can count.
2. on Saturday nights, you find yourself on the couch watching Sabado Gigante.
3. You ever tried to fit 10 or more people in a car thats meant for 4 and yelled "entren, que caben mas!"
4. You can dance merengue, salsa and cumbia without music.
5. You LOVE soccer.
1. Have big families.
2. Are drug dealers or gang bangers.
3. Are "illegals", or entered the country illegally.
4. Are uneducated.
5. Are only good as for working as hired help.
6. Always eat chicken, rice and beans.
7. Are passionate lovers (this is one of the better stereotypes)
8. Are good dancers.
9. Take away jobs from Americans.
10. Can't speak english.
1. Have to be the head of the household and provide for the family.
2. Think about sex ALL the time.
3. Are oblivious to feelings.
4. Are aggressive.
5. Are always trying to get in a girl's pants.
6. Masturbate frequently.
7. Are only interested in sports and such.
1. Have big families.
2. Are drug dealers or gang bangers.
3. Are "illegals", or entered the country illegally.
4. Are uneducated.
5. Are only good as for working as hired help.
6. Always eat chicken, rice and beans.
7. Are passionate lovers (this is one of the better stereotypes)
8. Are good dancers.
9. Take away jobs from Americans.
10. Can't speak english.
1. Have to be the head of the household and provide for the family.
2. Think about sex ALL the time.
3. Are oblivious to feelings.
4. Are aggressive.
5. Are always trying to get in a girl's pants.
6. Masturbate frequently.
7. Are only interested in sports and such.

Race: (Hispanic)
-Have lots of children * Plan to have one maximum two
-Cant speak English * I believe I speak it well
-Are lazy * Not as much
-Like beans * Sometimes
-Party a lot * Everytime I can
-Are loud * Not at all
-Get welfare * No
-Are cheap * No
-Are minorities * I am, in this country.
-Immigrants * Yeah
Ethnicity: (Colombian)
-Could dance well * Average
-Good humor * Yes
-Love the good life * Who doesn't?
-Fashion lovers * A little
-Drug exporters * Not at all
-Play soccer * Used to play
-Have a Spanish accent * I can't notice it
-Conceited * No
-Look younger * Maybe
-Well spoken * I try to
Gender: (Male)
-Like sports * Not really
-Works out * Sometimes
-Don’t shave * No
-Careless for dirt * No
-Messy * No
-Lazy * No
-Dumb * No
-Head of household * Might be
-No feelings * No
-Have initiative * Yeah
Sexuality: (Heterosexual)
-Must experiment with lots of women * No
-The more masculine the better * Normal
-Should have children * Yes
-Are afraid of other sexual preferences * No
-Should not care for looks * No
-Be attractive until marriage * No
-Have to have a job * Yeah
-Be independent * Yeah
-Get married at a mature age * Maybe
-Make your couple happy * Definitely
You know you’re a Latino when you don’t have turkey in Thanksgiving Day.
You know you’re a Latino when your family gets drunk in December 31st.
You know you’re a Latino when your entire family meets for fieldtrip.
You know you’re a Latino when you celebrate Christmas December 24th.
You know you’re a Latino when rice is always in your plate.
you know your spanish when...
2) you know your spanish when your mother hit you with her chancla( flip flop)
3) you know your spanish when you eat a lot of rice and beans
4) you know your spanish when your parents told you the story of "la llorona" so you could go to bed early.
5) you know your spanish when some one in your family is named Maria.
1)drug dealers
2)drug users
4)h.s. drop outs
5)are uneducated
6)invading the U.S. as illegal immigrants
7)have no high paying corporate positions
8)don't have a college education far less
a college degree
9)have many kids
10)only good in farm and field work
1)loud mouthed
4)men are unfaithful
5)women are promiscuous
2)are the same as Mexicans
3)In Latin countries are thought of being
smart but having no social skills
1)should be housewives
2)get paid less than men
3)shouldn't have high end corporate positions
4)are physically weak
5)shouldn't be able to make decisions about their bodies
6)Hispanic women should stand by their husband and
support them no matter what
7)In the army, women aren't allowed in infantry because they
are thought of as weak and a distraction to men.
8)In most cultures a woman's destiny is to get married, have kids and stay at home.
9)some cultures a woman has to be a virgin till marriage and a man does not.
10)are sometimes annoying and bitches
1)Hispanic women are very sensual and seductive
2)Hispanic teens living in the U.S. are expected to become pregnant before
graduating h.s.
3)girls living in Latin countries are more innocent than girls living in the U.S.
4)Hispanic women are supposedly promiscuous
Stereotypes about Negroes
01. We're dirty (dirtier than Italians or Russians?)
02. We're criminal (thieves, rapists, drug dealers, etc.)
03. We're oversexed (because only black guys like to have sex)
04. We've got the biggest penises/vaginas/asses (this is true)
05. We're stupid (not genetically)
06. We all live the ghettoes (mostly true, but it's because of white people)
07. We're all on welfare* (see note below)
08. We're the best dancers (its true)
09. We all speak ebonics; we're all "down" with Hip-Hop culture (most do)
10. We're violent/aggressive (yep)
*Yeah special note on the welfare. African-Americans worked their asses off for decades and didn't get a damn cent for it. So what's wrong with taking a little break and having Uncle Sam give us a little dough? Remember, African-Americans never got any reparations!
West Indians (Trinidad/Jamaican):
01. We're workaholics (yes, it's cultural)
02. We're ethnocentric (who isn't?)
03. We climb trees (yes, this is true)
04. We hate America, even though we come here to work
05. We're all religious
06. We're thieves (we steal mangos?)
07. We all live on the beach (stupid advertisements for the Caribbean)
08. The women are sexy (some)
09. We all smoke marijuana (jamaicans)
10. We all live happy lives (some do, some don't)
Black Men (I don't know if you're looking for "men" in general or particularly black men. I'll just assume black men, since it's more specific)
01. We're all gangsters
02. We've got guns, knives, and what-have-you
03. We love white women (by the way, we don't)
04. We only like girls with big asses (which is why stereotype #3 is false)
05. We're womanizers
06. We're tall, mostly 6' or taller
07. We're all muscular and built, with HUGE penises
08. We are more masculine than white guys and asian guys put together
09. We are negligent fathers
10. We are extremely dangerous, and if you don't watch it we'll rape your women and children.
Heterosexuals (this is a tough one!)
01. Dominant
02. Aggressive
03. Masturbators
04. Interested in younger women
05. Sexist?
06. Homophobic
07. etc.
08. etc.
09. etc.
10. etc.
The heterosexual thing is a real tough one, and I honestly can't think of any more stereotypes. I really can't think of any differences between heterosexuals and homosexuals. I mean when it comes to the men, gay men tend to be more passive or effeminate? I don't know..meh.
I don't know if anyone is going to read this, but as much as we all thing that stereotyping is horrible, we all do it and subconciously we sincerely believe some of these stereotypes. In my humble opinion, it's impossible to live in America or adapt American culture without adapting the racist principles. The country was pretty much founded on racist ideologies.
Quick stuff: My ex-best friend was an asian girl and everyday she'd talk about how she hated "spics" and they should go back to their country and all that blah blah blah. And then I know this other asian kid who's calling black kids 'nigger' and all that crap. Like where the hell do they learn these things? Do they use 'spic' and nigger in China? (not rhetorical). One time I asked this Korean kid what he thought about blacks, and he said he didn't like them because "they can't even speak the language." And then it hit me. WOW. This kid has been really been indoctrinated. I mean "they can't speak the language" is the #1 complaint against non-English speaking immigrants, and here you have a Korean parroting a white-constructed stereotype. THAT scared the shit out of me. (All racial epithets like chink, gook, nigger, spic, etc. were invented by Whites)
Yeah and one time in american racism class, this japanese girl (straight from osaka, international student) admitted that she was afraid of blacks, even though she had never seen one in Japan. So one day I saw her in the evening, and I asked her if she would be afraid if she were walking alone at night and a black guy was behind her, and she said yes. I asked her what if it was a white guy? And she said she would not be afraid. She said she's just afraid of blacks because of what she sees on [american] television. So I guess this goes back to what Kruger was talking about with the media propagating racism, sexism, etc.
Oh yeah and one time we made this T-chart, and we had stereotypes of whites vs. stereotypes of blacks, and yeah it was pretty clear that whites get all the good stereotypes. On the chart, whites got: handsome, clean, law-abiding, diligent, innocent, wealthy, orderly, modern, rational, and intelligent, to name a few, while black got: ugly, dirty, lazy, smelly, criminal, irrational, disorderly, stupid, etc. So yeah, crazy stuff, even if it's irrelevant.
What really amazes me is like conflicts among different ethnic groups, or kinda like non-whites who hate non-whites. Like you have a lot of, say for example, asians who just hate blacks or arabs or whatever, but they LOVE white people. Why? I don't know. I mean white people go to Asia and exploit all the people, but they still prefer white over black. Why this is, I don't know. I'm not saying every white is evil and every black is good, but it would seem that asians would have more of a reason to hate the whites. But the "asian girl 4 white man" thing is becoming VERY common. Why? I have no idea. I'm not saying it's bad or anything, but I'm just sayin I really wanna know why that is that so many asian women are attracted to white guys. But this has nothing to do with stereotypes...
Anyway, that's my daily digression. Plenty more to say, but you might not really care. If I feel how I feel now then I won't be in class tomorrow.
P.S. I'm sick.
Well you know you're black when...
01. You know you're black when you own every pair of Jordans...
02. You know you're black when you speak ebonics...
03. You know you're black when you always think you're a victim of discrimination...
04. You know you're black when you really are always the victim of discrimination...
05. You know you're black when you squander all your money on the latest inventions...
You know you're a ___ when...
You know you're asian when you know how to play the piano and/or violin.
You know you're asian when you are lectured by your parents for getting a 99 on a test.
You know you're asian when you are bargaining with the store owner for a lower price on an item.
You know you're asian when you are sent to afterschool even when you don't need it.
Have big noses-i dont think mines that big
Theyre cheap-definitly not, i just spend $90 on a scented candle
wants to control everything-i am a pretty big control freak
rude-i dont think so
loud/demanding-definitely not
look down on "non Jews"- again DEFINITELY not
buy cheap wine-i dont buy it i just drink it (and i dont think its cheap)
Jewish moms tend to be overprotective/worry warts-im not a mother yet but my moms rediculously overprotective
tend to be doctors/lawyers-most of my jewish friends parents are either one of the other
Women Stereotypes:
the weaker sex
love to gossip
caring nurturing
weight obsessed
pains in the ass
supposed to be a good "housewife"
im think im all of the above and i dont really plan on being a housewife but well see what happens
White American Stereotypes:
Assertive-i always get what i want, generally when i want it (in a completely not spoiled way)
Cold-not at all
Dishonest-im the most honest person youll ever meet, i always say whats on my mind
Evil-dont think so
Greedy-not at all
Lacking rhythm-i've been a dancer for 8 years so that doesnt actually apply to me
lusting for power
racist-not at all
untrustworthy-i can definitly be trusted
smart-im pretty street smart i think
2. All men are perverts.
3. Money grows on trees because I'm white.
4. Men who sleep with alot of woman are considered the man.
5. Jewish people are rich.
6. Jewish people have big noses.
7. Italians are good cooks.
8. Italian people are fat.
9. Italian people speak with their hands.
10. Being heterosexual is the right way of life.
- Small in stature - I'm not too tall
- Very smart in mathematics- No, not a math person
- Horrible drivers- I don't know yet, don't think so.
- They know martial arts or some form of karate.- Not true,never took any lessons.
- Over achievers- I like to do good in what I'm doing.
- Speak with an accent- I don't think so.
- Dress up like Japanese anime characters - No, I don't read anime
- Own nail salons, laundromats, dry cleaners- I've been to many that are owned by asians.
- Eats cats and dogs - No, I don't eat them.
- female are usually passive- Sometimes I am abit passive.
- Thinks they are "right" /normal - No
- Hate non heterosexual people- No
- Must go "ga-ga" for opposite sex-No
- Can't drive- I don't know yet
- Bound to be housewives- I don't think so.
- Can't maintain/keep careers- I don't think so.
- Can cook- I can cook some simple things.
- Are clean, neat people- I am clean, I try to be neat.
- Shouldn't eat in large portions of food- I don't eat alot, unless I'm really hungry.
- Shoppers/love shopping- I like shopping but not everyday.
- Academically less smarter than men- No, not all men.
- Lean and in right proportion = beauty- I think I am thin.
You know you're Jewish when...
1. You never understood why Friday night is party night
2. All your aunts and uncles are under 5 feet.
3. If you’re not dressed appropriately, you look a little “shlumpy.”
4. You have an Uncle Marvin who gives you gum or candy
5. You have an Uncle Marvin, period.
6. You got home from school 3 hours after your neighbors.
7. McDonalds looks like heaven- how do they get it so cheap??
8. You have relatives who live in Israel.
9. You waste more gas money looking for the cheaper shirt in a farther store than the shirt would’ve cost.
10. You’re not exactly sure what goes on in church
(You might have to be Jewish to get some of these, I don’t know…)
1. Thought to be uneducated
2. All Hispanic people are thought of as illegally entering the US
3. People tend to automatically assume that if you are Hispanic, you’re Mexican.
4. If you are Hispanic, you must be dealing drugs.
5. Latinos tend to steal.
6. Spanish food is known as Taco Bell and rice and beans.
7. Soccer is Gods gift to man.
8. You are supposed to have a tan.
9. Hispanic women have a lot of babies.
10. Hispanic women are the best cleaners.
When it comes to me, clearly I must be an exception because Hispanics don’t go to college. I was actually born in the United States so I am legal, and I am not Mexican. I don’t deal or do drugs, I don’t steal, and I hate Taco Bell. Rice an beans are a big part of a Hispanic’s diet but I love eating Chinese food and Pizza too. I don’t like soccer and I am as pale as any “white” person out there. I do like to clean and keep everything organized but I don’t plan on having (and I haven’t had) a lot of children.
1. All Colombians sell cocaine.
2. Shakira an idol to all Colombians.
3. Colombian coffee is the best in the world.
4. Colombia is the most unsafe country in the world.
5. Colombians are the worst of all Hispanic peoples.
6. If you are Puerto Rican, you definitely steal.
7. Puerto Rican people wear the Puerto Rican flag not only on the day of the parade but always.
8. Puerto Rican people are loud.
9. Your car has the strongest subwoofer and the bass is always on high.
10. You speak Spanglish.
As a Colombian, I do not sell cocaine, I like Shakira but she’s not my idol. I actually like Dunkin Donuts Coffee better. As a Puerto Rican, I do not steal, I don’t flaunt the flag left and right, I am not lound, I don’t like loud music. Yes I’ll admit I speak a bit of Spanglish here and there.
1. All women know how to cook.
2. Women are nurturing and caring.
3. Women can’t drive.
4. Women are always dieting.
5. Women love to shop.
6. All women nag.
7. Women are always on the phone.
8. All women gossip.
9. If you are the head of a company or if you do your job well you are automatically a BITCH.
10. Women take forever to get dressed.
As a woman, I don’t know how to cook. I actually burn boiling water. I guess I am very nurturing and caring and I think I am a really good driver. I’ll admit I tend to diet and watch my weight, and I do like to shop. My boyfriend tells me that I do nag, but I don’t see it and I don’t really talk on the phone much but my cell phone bill is always ridiculously high. I don’t like gossip or to gossip and it takes me about thirty minutes to get ready for any occasion.
1. Heterosexuals don’t get aids.
2. If you are a female heterosexual and you sleep with more than one guy you are a whore.
3. Being a heterosexual is the RIGHT way to live life.
4. Heterosexual women who don’t get married are spinsters.
5. Only heterosexuals have children.
6. Heterosexual women must be feminine.
Monday, March 19, 2007
I think that people relate jews with being rich, cheap, loud, stuck-up, doctors, big noses, big families, israel, hebrew, the bible, religion.
I'm religious and I know a little bit of hebrew, but none of the other things really apply to me.
Race- White
I think people relate white people with being pompous, suburban, big houses, racist, smart, golf-players, having 2 kids and a dog, wearing wife beaters, having good jobs, wealthy, christian.
I personaly don't think that I fit into any one of those categories.
Gender- Male
People usually associate males with being virile, strong, athletic, competitive, liking sports, insensitive, pompous, sexist, liking meat and drinking alcohol.
Some of these apply to me and some don't, but none necesarily because i'm male.
Sexuality- Heterosexual
People usually relate heterosexuals as being homophobic, insensitive, manly, having chewed fingernails, bad sense of fashion, sexist, manly, athletic, virile, and competitive.
I think i can relate to most of these sterotypes, but some more so then others
Sunday, March 18, 2007
As a Chinese girl, people may consider:
I have small feet, because that's the Chinese traditional beauty;
I am short and thin;
I have diet everyday;
I never speak or laugh loudly in the public;
I should talk to others with a fan and move each step very slow;
I can cook well;
As a Asian female, you may think:
I can not drive;
I can not work if I get married;
I have to follow my husband after the marriage;
I have to do all housework at home and take care of my family.
People thinks that I am Yellow skin.
I think people may also think that Chinese are harm for the United States 's economic since we are immigrant and most of the Chinese immigrants are poor.
As a female, people may think:
I cannot drive well.
My room is clean all the time
I can cook
I should take care of my brother and sister
I should be a skinny girl
I should eat less
As a female, I have tried to achieve those expectation hard.
White trash- Not true about me
Racist- Definitely not true
Cheap- Probably a little
Cocky- Probably a little
Go Tanning- No
Wealthy - No
Religious- Not so much
Curse a lot- True
Blowout & a wifebeater- True
Cocky- Probably a little
Sexist- Maybe certain things
Macho- True
Competitive- True
Aggressive- True
Jock- True
Stupid- I hope not
Sports oriented- True
Dependent on women- True
Risk taker- Not so much
Ethnicity: Italian-Jewish-American
Curse a lot- True
Blowout & a wifebeater- True
Go Tanning- No
Racist- No
Greedy- No
Rich- No
Likes reality TV- No
Plays sports- Yes
Loud - Yes
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Macho- Yes
Jock- Yes
Homophobic- Maybe a little
Uses Women- No
Slob- No
Pigs- No
Cocky- Probably a little
Apathetic- No
Accepted- Yes
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Yeah!! Logical Fallacies!!
"Because everybody deserves to look like they don't eat"
This is an advertisement for jeans, and seeing that phrase makes you realize how ridiculous the aspirations are, and that people are trying to look like they starve themselves. People might not realize this and just think that it's fashion, but it's kind of hard to miss when the caption is right there, hitting you in the face.
Seduce & Behold
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Shocking Ad

Taste... worth dying for

A Clockwork Orange
snickers super bowl
Planned Parenthood: Racism at its Finest
Maybe I'm reading too much into this. But I see it like this:
Whites are becoming the minority, and non-whites are becoming the new majority. Every year, New York City, along with the rest of the United States, becomes less and less white. Less white people is bad...VERY bad. We need more Whites and fewer colored folks, don't we? Colored folks are reproducing much faster than whites, and before you know it there will be hardly any white people left. We need fewer people of color, so let's encourage them to produce FEWER children. Who needs a Mexican family of 8 when a family of 3 will do just fine? The fewer the better.
This whole thing reminds me of the pre-World War II international eugenics movement, when racial scientists were advocating sterelization of the socially undesirable: (mentally handicapped, physically afflicted, criminal, etc.) I think these ads are utterly repulsive and should be indefinitely banned.
Yeah the site boasts about Margaret Sanger, and she was a HUGE racist/anti-Semitic. Yeah do some research on her.
Anyway, that's my shocking ad.
shoking ad
The justify the ad saying “that is the way ads should be”.
Monday, March 5, 2007
A shocking Ad
(This Ad is from :
I was shocked by these pictures, because they appeared to the eye to be perfect, but they were not at all. All of them lost some of the the important things of their life and they don't have ability to make them toward to the former condition; unfortunately, they had to face that such as hunger, domestic violence, disability because of the war, excessive deforestation and so on. So I think this Ads show us the point that we must treasure the things that we own currently, the environment, our love and everything.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
**Late** Saif n Tristan convo
Tristan: yoyo sup (Yo, yo! What's up?)
Saif: hi, how r u? (How are you?)
Tristan; im ok. n u? (I'm okay, and you?)
Tristan: how wuz ur day?
Saif: wuz gud. n urs? (It was good, and yours?)
Tristan: mine wuz ok. so wehre u from? (My day was ok. Where are you from?)
Saif: i m from delhi in india. u kno were taht is? (I'm from New Delhi, in India. Do you know where that is?)Tristan: ya i kno where dat iz. my roomie from da last trm wuz from kalkutta. (Yes, I know where that is. My roommate lsat term was from Calcutta.)
Tristan: do u speak n e other languages? i tink he spoke bengali or sumthin... (Do you speak any other languages? I think he spoke Bengali or something like that)
Saif: yes, i do speak hindi n sankrit n also sum bengali. n also i speak english (Yes, I speak Hindi, Sanskirt, and some Bengali, but I also speak English)
Tristan: dam dats a lot of languages lol (Goodness me! You certainly speak a lot of languages)
Saif: lol
Tristan: were u born in deli??
Saif: yea i am intrenationla studetn
Saif: do u speak otha language?
Tristan: yea sorta. i speak nglish n sum latin lol (...english and some latin, lol)
Tristan: but i dun really SPEAK latin. i jus rite it (But I don't really speak Latin. I just write it.)
Saif: ah okSaif: wat will ur major be? (what will your major be?)
Tristan: err im thinkin bout sociology or mayb latin or nglish. wat about u?
Saif: i duno yet mayb sumthin wit computer or science
Tristan: k dat sounds kool. so u believe in JC?
Saif: wat is jc??? (What is J.C.?)
Tristan: Jesus Christ lol
Saif: i am hindi
Tristan: oh
Saif: do u believe n jc?
Tristan: yeah baby!! im a chrstain!!
Saif: lol tat is good
Tristan: ya man. so do u like new york so far?
Saif: ya i like it very much it has mene a tings 2 do. y do u ask??
Tristan: j/w b/c sumtimes international studnts miss their home (Just wondering, because sometimes International miss their home)
Saif: i miss india i wiill jus need 2 adpat
Tristan: ya definitely. gl with that
Saif: tyTristan: aight man i gtg. this is long enuf for tha report lol.
Saif: ok gud night
Tristan: yeah gn man. gbu
yeah!! great convo!!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Mr.Tristan: Man of words and goal.
He is a very religious person and has true faith in Cristianity and Jesus Christ(A.S) and he very fasinated about the languages as he knows latin english also. And also he is very sympathaic person as he fells how I will be missing my family, friends and country.Overall I find Mr.Tristan to be very enthusiastic, straight focused and religious man of words.
Shift Happens
Some perspective about...Liz
The other side that it is hard to believe it exists in her is the one that cares about others. She is a good listener and opens up to give the most sincere advices of all. When you have trouble or need something you don’t know, Liz is there to help, weather it means teasing you or really helping, there is always something she could do for you. And least but not last, family is something as important as breathing. Her heritage will always be there as a reminder of the struggles her ancestors went through to accomplish what they have at the moment. Having said something about this character, I hope that you consider adding her as a friend in myspace, it will compensate later on…or not (just run away as fast as you can!).