Tuesday, March 20, 2007

You know you're Jewish when...

You know your Jewish when….

1. You never understood why Friday night is party night
2. All your aunts and uncles are under 5 feet.
3. If you’re not dressed appropriately, you look a little “shlumpy.”
4. You have an Uncle Marvin who gives you gum or candy
5. You have an Uncle Marvin, period.
6. You got home from school 3 hours after your neighbors.
7. McDonalds looks like heaven- how do they get it so cheap??
8. You have relatives who live in Israel.
9. You waste more gas money looking for the cheaper shirt in a farther store than the shirt would’ve cost.
10. You’re not exactly sure what goes on in church

(You might have to be Jewish to get some of these, I don’t know…)

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