Sunday, February 4, 2007

Creating an online persona is great, except there's always that dilemma if you should post who you really are or who you wish you could be. I'm about 99% honest about who I am, except when I create screen names and stuff. Of course, I'm not really a swindler. But creating an online persona is lots of fun, depending on how you create it. As far as being part of a global community, I couldn't really tell you what that term means. It's one of those terms like "global citizen" or "global economy" that I can't really define. I mean I guess the internet is sort of an intersection of peoples from all over the world. So I just try to put my little part in and represent my culture as much as I can, so people will know what it means to be Jamaican or an West-Indian American or a New Yorker. And I guess I'm always looking to see what people have to say about where they live and what they believe and stuff.

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