Sunday, February 4, 2007

Writing an in-class personal narrative was kind of an awkward experience. I knew the assignment was to write about myself, so I tried to describe myeslf in way that would be honest and wouldnt bore the reader. I also felt that the process of writing the narrative was very informal and almost conversational. Without the worry of being graded on grammer, spelling or structure, I wrote like how I would speak. For me, the experience was very similar to creating my MYSPACE profile. I've had a Myspace profile for awhile now, but I remember how reluctant I was about putting myself out there in the digital world. After awhile, I gradually grew more comfortable with Myspace and allowed myself to express myself more. I never thought of myself as a "virtual entity", but I guess it does apply to me and most people who use the internet. Online avatars allow us to have a presence in the digital world. And if theres anything to be said about people its that they want to have a presence.

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