Thursday, February 1, 2007

I understand why many people have some reservations about creating an online avatar. I mean, you hear about so many crazy people online stealing information and stalking other people that sites like myspace and facebook could, for some, understandably raise concern. I myself never used to see a purpose in creating a myspace page until some of my friends moved away and I wanted to keep in contact with them. Soon enough i was posting comments on peoples pages that I havent seen or heard from in years. I dont think that these sites are for everyone. Some people have more of a need for privacy than others or just dont think its a very safe thing to do. I for one believe that its websites like these that has enabled people to express themselves in a new way that could never have been done before. Blogs, chat rooms, and personal pages have connected people from all over the world and for some people that could be a scary thought knowing that your hobbies, friends, and photo albums could be viewed by anyone. For others like myself, its a statement of identity. Of coarse there are safe and unsafe ways of going about it but when people are aware of the possible dangers of giving away too much information and do it safely, then i dont see how any bad can come of it.

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