Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Interview with Janice

Janice is a nice person. Janice spends her time mostly at home. When she is at home her time is usually spent on babysitting her younger brothers and sister. She seems to be the one in her househould that watches over the children. This shows that she cares alot for her siblings even though they may be tough at times. My interview with Janice was held very late at night till midnight. This is when she usually have time to do her own thing. Janice is always busy babysitting her younger siblings that she does not have too much time for herself.
Janice is also a very hard working student. A full time student, this semester she is taking five courses. She likes to take all her classes Monday through Thursday, and just have the whole Friday off. Janice wants to major in buisness and she is working hard for it. She does not waste her time during the weekends but spends her time doing her school work. Janice is caring and is devoted to her school work.

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