Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mr. Saif: A Model for Young Men Everywhere

I had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Saif for the partner assignment. Mr. Saif is an international student coming all the way from New Delhi, India. He is extremely polite and shows much humility. Mr. Saif is multilingual, and speaks about four languages including Sanskrit, Hindi, Bengali, and English. Speaking two languages is a big enough deal, but three or more is out of this world.

Mr. Saif is also religious, practicing Hinduism. He is a righteous man who plans to pursue a career in business. Mr. Saif enjoys hanging out with his friends, including his buddies from India who are also international students in the United States. Although he likes New York City, Mr. Saif misses India, where he allegedly used to see tigers. He is a man of many words, and serves as a role model for young men everywhere.


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